Interview with Aimée Steven

NSGs David Lancaster talks to Liverpool’s Aimee Steven about depression, music, baby elephants, and shoes! The story of Aimee’s rise can be charted through her own words below.
Started the band shortly after I started recording with Jon Withnall (all-around great fella). After a few changes, I’ve had the same members now for about a year? Maybe a bit more. COVID really has fucked my sense of time. What I do know is that they’re sound and boss musicians too. James Morris on guitar always looks better than me but we’ll let that slide. Martin Gordon on drums, can’t even explain in words how boss he is. Like a fucking human metronome. Weird to be honest. Robyn Wilkinson on bass. Little Scottish legend. Couldn’t ask for more!
To be honest this is very accurate but it neglects to mention the sheer weight her music and writing carry as one of the UK’s strongest emerging acts!
DL: You grew up in the north of our city, you’ve had a great couple of years, rising steadily and you are now firmly established as part of our scene, making a splash nationally too, can you tell us how you got into all this and what made you pick up a guitar in the first place?
AS: It was a mixture of things really. Depression, anxiety, and then the more positive element of always being in love with music and wanting to take that further. I started writing a blog about music and some boss local artists and then thought fuck this, I want to be written about. Met Jon via social media, sent some demos and the rest is history.
DL: Like most acts in 2020 I imagine you’ve had to postpone some shows and rearrange recordings etc. How challenging has this year been after working so hard to get established, and do you have any advice for new bands struggling with these lockdown restrictions ??
AS: This year has been, for a lack of a better term, absolutely shite. However, all my moaning aside, I know I’ve still had a better year than a lot of people around the world so I try and stay grateful and positive. Obviously, in terms of music it’s been pretty dire, hasn’t it? Venues closing and all that. Yeah, I’ve had gigs canceled, etc but it’s given me time to write more and box some future releases off. It’s been really interesting to see other artists getting on with it and how they have adapted to lockdown and that. I’d say to just try and make things work for you whatever the circumstances, certainly use the time to write and be creative. That’s all we’ve got init?
DL: Hell Is A Teenage Girl really stands out for me from a long list of single and video releases, how did you end up on Jacaranda records? Where was that toilet video filmed? and when will we see an album from you?
AS: Cheers. That song was fun all around. The toilet video was filmed in Heebie Jeebies and was such a good shoot. I was hungover like but I reckon I blagged it? I ended up on Jac Records through a series of very fortunate events. They’ve been nothing but great to me and are a boss bunch of people to work with. Not sure about an album yet, dye reckon people would buy it? haha. Just gonna carry on releasing some singles for now and see what happens.
DL: Someone gives you a baby elephant as a Christmas present, what do you do with it?
AS: Hang on, a baby elephant? Where the hell has this person got a baby elephant? I’d probs take it back to where it came from y’know? I’m not being ungrateful but I feel like that baby elephant deserves to be with other baby elephants. Do we have the receipt? Maybe I can exchange it for a nice pair of shoes.
DL: What is the most trouble that you’ve ever got yourself into?
AS: I’m proper, not naughty at all. I’m a major stickler for the rules. I just want a quiet life y’know?

photo credit Giles Holroyd
DL: If you could have any musicians, past or present, dead or alive, perform on a couple of tracks with you, who would you choose and why? One who is no longer with us and one who is still active, please?
AS: Jesus Christ. What a question. Ok. Probably wanna do a track with Robbie Robertson on lead guitar, because you’d be daft not to. Maybe a little duet with Bowie or Joni Mitchell (who the fuck do I think I am?) and then just slot me in amongst the Eagles and I’m sorted for life. Finished. Satisfied. Done.
DL: Your band has a nice organic sound, tell us a bit about the players and how you work with each other, any funny stories from the studio?
AS: They’re such a boss group of people. They vibe so well together and with me, I’m made up. I remember meeting James for the first time and thought well I’ll never be as cool as him but it’s better that he’s in my band than someone else’s. We grooved from the start. Martin is a legend, proper sound, and the best at what he does. Can handle his bevvies as well, which is a very important thing to me. Robyn is Scottish. Wouldn’t even need to say much more. But I will. Great musician, boss sense of humour, and just a lovely person. Grateful to have another female around for sure. I dunno about funny stories but all I can say is that one day I hope we can do a gig where James isn’t either absolutely pissed or horrendously hungover. I believe in you, kid.
DL: What’s the best gig you’ve played so far and why?
AS: My first gig, at Sound City 2019, was boss. I’ll never forget it. I think everyone, us included, was shocked at how ok we sounded. Lately, we did a gig at the M&S Bank Arena though and it was just boss to be in that space. So far that’s the venue that has had the most impact on me.
DL: What is your favorite song to perform live?
AS: I love performing my single ‘Darling‘ live because it gets so much heavier than on the actual record. It gets a bit grungy and I’m all about that. We normally play it near the end too which means we’re in full swing and going for it.

Aimée Steven – Live at M&S Bank Arena for LDM Festival
DL: We don’t have too many female artists or bands on the scene, not enough anyway, tell us what it’s like being a female performer today? Do you feel safe out there?
AS: Defo not enough, is there? Hopefully, that’s changing now. I don’t really think of myself as a female performer, just a performer. Obviously, I am a female and I love representing that but I don’t like people referring to me as a female musician unless it’s relevant. When was the last time someone referred to my boyfriend as a male musician/performer? Never. I do feel safe to an extent but there’s still a lot that needs to change.
DL: Is there any solidarity and support offered from your contemporaries and do you have any advice for young female musicians?
AS: Most people are super supportive and I’m really grateful for that. All I would say is don’t let anyone tell you who you are. As a female, we often get pigeon-holed or told who we are. That’s not cool. Be unapologetically you and take up those spaces once reserved JUST for men.
DL: It’s a cold miserable Sunday here in Liverpool, what does Aimee Steven do on her day off? Any hidden gems in our city to go and visit, what’s your fave pub?
AS: Hanging out with my cat and reading some books. Super rock ‘n’ roll, I know. I’m a pretty chilled person and I get tired really easily, a bit like a grandma haha. So I just try and do things I love when I get the time. That’s when I’m not throwing TVs out of hotel windows and doing loads of hard drugs. My favorite pub is Ye Cracke. If you haven’t been, what’s your excuse?!
DL: Fingers crossed we are going to see gigs again very soon, how do you think the local scene can recover from this almost crippling pandemic and cruel government restrictions, do you have any ideas about what we can all do get our venues thriving again? What’s on the agenda for yourself in 2021?
AS: I dunno man, I just really hope we can come together at the end of all this. I think we will. It’s just a bit hard to see the end at the minute. I can’t wait to get playing live again and I think it’s what people need. Some good old unity and celebration. 2021 for me will hopefully be full of both those things and a lot of time spent in Ye Cracke, unapologetically pissed.
Follow aimée on all her socials below hilighted in pink
Listen to Aimée on Spotify below