Prolific North Champions Awards 2021 RADIO STATION OF THE YEAR- KCC Live
Local Knowsley based radio station KCC Live had been nominated recently for an award from Prolific North Champions. Being a station that’s majority volunteer run, for almost 18 years and based in a college campus, to be nominated amongst companies such as Channel 4, Lizardfish TV, and BBC bitesize, and judged by people such as Ben O’Brien (Head of Comms Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) and Andrew Diggle (Head of Digital Content, Formula 1), was a huge honour. However, to go on and win has literally been a dream.

Left to right Jimski Bridson, Dan Spelman (station manager), Meg Shaw
The Prolific North Champions Awards recognise the organisations, teams, and individuals putting the North on the map in the creative and digital sectors. KCC Live, while living by the mantra ‘Young Scouse and Happy’ has also looked to be the Knowsley community champions, pushing to stand up and provide an inclusive place for people of a variety of backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs. To have achieved this award shortly before our 18th birthday is massive, and we wish to thank all volunteers, past and present, staff, and management… And of course the listening public. KCC Live has been a station at Knowsley Community College since December 2003. We were created by Sir George Sweeney, knighted for his work within education and then Principal of Knowsley Community College, and Hywel Evans, known for working with Rock FM and multi award winning radio broadcaster and has gone through many incarnations, currently Managed by Dan Spelman, Director Miguel Doforo we are excited to see where things can be taken.
Any enquiries, Knowsley Community College, Stockbridge Ln, Huyton, Liverpool L36 3SD